Nothing at all.
What I am about to say everybody else did, but, seriously... Almost everyone knows how to alpha and tweak, atl east you did put the "you can also tweak" in the end, but this isn't much, you know. Doing fade frame by frame which consists of the very same image as before fading is not very smart.
Nice try, but this didn't work. Also, you should have converted the audio, or something, the pictures would only cost about 1mb, now this song, not only suck, but still is very big, you should be concerned about things like this, not everyone have 19578926598126Tb internet connections like you must have, it took me 4-5 damn minutes to load this, I probably wrote this review faster than the damn load time plus watching the whole thing.
You should know that adding useless flashs isn't really intelligent.
No offence intended, but, seriously, you should think about others while doing a flash, not only your taste.
However it is a simple tutorial that teachs what it should, the "how to alpha" is quite good. Do a tutorial for something better and you might do good.